
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Type of Visual Kei Fashion

Assuming the reason you are on this blog, is because you are a visual kei fan. Because of this, I know you already know what visual kei is, an probably know the history too. When it comes to fashion though, many fans are confused, or questioning the fandom. As a basic lesson, let’s go over the sub-genres of the visual kei fashion world.

Kurofuku Kei – literally translates as”black clothing.  These outfits usually consist of black suits, and are commonly linked with the early Visual acts such as Buck-Tick

Angura Kei – the name stems from the English word “underground”. The style is derived from a cultural movement particularly that of independent theater in Japan from the 1960’s and the fervent political unrest from which the decade is known globally.  Angura theatre is notably experimental and concerned with the Japanese mythos; that is Japanese beliefs, attitudes and cultural values. The sub-genre is also linked to eroguro and many bands bridge both lines but it is consider darker and more formal. It features the use of Japanese uniform, kimino or other types of traditional garb. An example of an Angura Kei band: Kagrra

Kote Kei – this type of Visual Kei is considered the oldest, original and most established form. It’s the  “classic” look. Usually the hair style is dramatic as well as the clothing. It is also important to note that this sub-genre is found in two types “Black” and “White” in which a band can portray a darker side as with the first type or a lighter more melodic side as with the latter. Types of Kote Kei are La’Mule, early Dir en Grey, Lariene, and Madeth Gray’ll.

Oshare Kei – This subgenre is probably the most distinctive of all the sub-genres, as well as the most well known. The word “oshare” means stylish or fashionable. Musically speaking, the sound is more pop or punk and the lyrics and themes are more positive and bright. The Oshare look is more colorful and cute and somewhat similar to decora. The clothes too tend to be more like street fashion and punk than other types. Popular oshare bands are An CafĂ©, SuG, THE KIDDIE and Kra.

Victorian/Lolita Kei- This style is considered more over the top,  more elegant, and has a stronger goth rock influence.  Personally, I get a lot of influence from this style. As the name suggests, it is based off of a more formal attire, and way less of a street fashion look. Also, the gender bending seems to be more distinct. Examples of this type of Kei would be Versailles and Kaya.

Eroguro Kei – The name is the combination of the English words “Erotic” and “Grotesque” often utilizing such extreme themes in an unnatural and twisted manner. As stated in the description of Angura Kei, the two genres are often related and have overlapping bands. Bands considered Eroguro Kei would be Merry or Dir En Grey, especially during their Vulgar period.

Koteosa Kei – This subgenre is a spin on Oshare Kei, being its “black version.” Bands that fit into this subgenre would be LM.C and Lolita23Q.

Casual Kei- As the name implies, the Casual Kei look is a very basic “everyday look”. A band that could be placed under this caterogry would be Plastic Tree.

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