
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Busines Plan

What is busines plan?    
        Busines plan can be defined as a document that describees an organization's current status and forecast / plans for the growth in the times ahead. This can be from a quarter of a several years in the future
What does the busines plan look like?
        There is no standard format for a business plan, but there are many common components of a business plan :
Executive Summary
Table of contents

  1. Statement of purpose
  2. company history
  3. Vusiness Description
  4. Products and services
  5. Marjet analysis
  6. Managements
  7. Operations
  8. Financial Plan
  9. Appendices
  Many Business plan will also include appendixes with additional information related to the business, its operations, its owner, marketing/ promotional plans, etc......

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